
Today I felt like my brain wasn’t all there. I had finished a night shift, took a three hour nap and went to a work meeting at noon.  During the meeting I had to do my best to keep my brain from blurting out anything stupid. It was an internal battle to keep focused- which I won during those two hours. Barely.

I drove from my meeting to get my children from school.  We listened to music on the way home and my brain began to function in its bizarro way when you have little to no sleep.  It first began with me being so impressed that I could make the word “Art” sound like a seal as I clapped my hands.  Soon after I began speaking in song lyrics.  My favorite part wasn’t the idiocy in which I sounded with my family, it was the fact that my children figured out the songs and said the next line.  

Just like every night has its dawn. I sailed away to China, in a little rowboat to find ya…

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