Smoked Dinner

This weekend I have decided to use our smoker box on the bbq to create our dinners. Today I prepared our meats for the grill. I’m also trying something else out and hope it tastes good.

All day long, I have been smoking this brisketon a low heat. This will be tomorrow’s dinner because I always find brisket tastes better the next day. But what I am trying that is a bit different is the smoked baked beans. I cut up the pepper and onion and mixed it into the cast iron pan with the tin of baked beans. I then placed the brisket over top on a grate so that the juices drip into the pan. So far it smells delicious.

Soon I will be removing the brisket and beans. At which point I will be making our ribs. In a few hours they will be ready to eat. Again I am putting them on indirect heat with the smoker box doing it’s thing.

There’s just something mouthwatering about smoked meat that screams summer to me. Have you ever made smoked baked beans before? How did they turn out? Let me know in the comments what other foods you have made on the bbq on a slow cook.

My Wife’s Project Chair

My wife picked up a free chair from Facebook marketplace a few months back. It was going to be her “project” chair. So it sat in our garage between both cars with no advancement on cleaning it up or making it look nice. Rather, it just got in the way a whole bunch.

The other day, I had our teenagers use the carpet cleaner to clean the inside of the car they are using. The car smelled of stale cigarettes and old person, so it needed a good detail. Since the carpet cleaner was out, I had our middle child give my wife’s “project” chair a once over.

Today, I went into the garage and replaced the metal back tacks on my wife’s “project” chair. I also stapled the excess material underneath so it wasn’t hanging down anymore. Then I trimmed the loose and frayed fabric. Lastly, I added a coat of stain and clear coat to my wife’s “project” chair.

It now resides in our piano room. This was supposed to be a temporary spot until my wife decides where to put her “project” chair. Turns out, that is where it will remain.

My wife did a great job not doing anything with the chair and leaving it until I got annoyed enough to just get it done. Hopefully she doesn’t find any other “projects” that she will do one day.

Pre-Work Relaxation

This week and next I am working 12 hour night shifts. I’m probably one of the few people who kind of enjoy working overnight. I have created a schedule of work that I want to accomplish each night and it makes the shift go by pretty quick. When I get home, I go straight to bed to sleep and get around seven or eight hours of sleep each day.

Now that it’s summer, I’m waking up to a beautiful afternoon. My wife finishes her shifts at 3pm, so that is our time to hang out for a bit before I head into work. So what do we do together?

We hit the pool for some floating action. A bit of a cool down in the sunshine. We talk about our work, the kids, meal preparation, shopping, just about anything. That’s because it’s just us without distractions. Much like when we go for a walk or kayaking. We have undivided attention for one another.

Communication is key to a healthy and successful relationship. Giving your partner your precious time is important to unload a bit of thoughts and troubles. If it’s done regularly- those troubles don’t build up into a fight or frustration. In the end, my wife and I feel more relaxed and zen.

Floating in a pool helps as well. It’s hard to be angry when floating around.

Carpet Cleaning The Car

This afternoon was a good day to detail the interior of the teenagers’ Toyota Corolla. I took the time to explain how to use the carpet cleaner and discussed what needed to be done.

Our two youngest worked together. Our 17 year old did a preliminary vacuum of the interior seats and floors. While our 19 year old did a quick clean of a mid-century chair that my wife had picked up a couple months ago. The warm weather will help to dry out everything.

I think they were receptive to the idea of steam cleaning the car since it is practically theirs to use. The previous owners had been smokers, so the remnants of stale smoke were prevalent in the atmosphere of the interior. Hopefully this will help to rid the car of that odor.

But I’m glad they were able to do this without much cajoling or nagging. They just went straight to it. Maybe I could get them to to the carpets in the house next…

Incinerator: Food Waste Disposer

In my entire life, I cannot remember a time where we had a garbage disposal. Or what it’s supposed to be called- A Food Waste Disposal. You don’t really want to throw actual garbage down it. That would be bad.

Our basement suite has a disposal in the kitchen sink, so I had to do some research on how to use it. There was a consensus online about what not to put down it.

  • Bones
  • Fruit pits
  • Eggshells
  • Fibrous foods (like banana peels or lettuce)
  • Oatmeal, rice and other absorbent foods
  • Coffee grounds
  • Large amounts of fat, oil, or grease

that’s a basic guideline, there is more items to not put down than there are to put down (obviously). I also needed to look up how to keep it clean and smelling fresh. Since we don’t use the sink very often, we haven’t used the disposal at all. But the other day it was starting to smell a bit. Turns out draining hot water down it caused some of the remnants of old food to become mushy and break apart. This was from the previous people living in the basement.

Baking soda and vinegar are a natural way to clean out the disposal. It fizzes and deodorizes at the same time. After a few minutes, we rinsed it with cold water and some ice cubes. The ice cubes help to sharpen the blades apparently. Immediately after, we tossed in some cut up limes to be ground up in order to freshen the disposal a bit more.

I can honestly say that I’m not a big fan of using a garburator. I don’t mind putting food waste for our garden or to the curbside yard waste collection. Since eggshells and coffee grounds are a no-no, that makes up the most of our food waste. Using a garbage disposal seems pointless and an extra thing to maintain more often.

What are your thoughts on an in-sink disposal unit? Is it really a necessity in life or an extra burden to keep clean and functional?

Let me know in the comments.

98 Revival

Yesterday I threw an invitation to some old friends to come and meet up. I titled the meet up 98 Revival. As that was the last year that I remember when we had all hung out before life altered who we became. Obviously that was the year I coincide with beginning of drastic changes, my friends all seemed to be around the same time, give or take a couple of years. We grew up and accepted adulthood.

In the end, a bunch of my old friends came over and we had a few laughs about old times. All the ridiculous things we did, and how there is no pictures or videos to prove we had done it. Just our memories and recollection of how times once were. We spoke about some other people and recapped our lives and the journey since those times 25+ years ago.

Just like the times back then, we didn’t take pictures. In fact, most of us rarely picked up our phones. We all enjoyed the moment. And in typical fashion of us being in our forties, we called it a night by around 9pm, just before sundown. I really enjoyed the evening and hope we don’t all wait 25 years to hang out again.

Caramel Corn

Last night I made some popcorn. Usually I just microwave a bag and snack away. My wife prefers to make it fresh in a pot on the stove with a bit of oil. I decided to try my hand at doing it her way. It was surprisingly easy. And it turned out fantastic!

So I decided to step up my popcorn game. I went out on a limb and made caramel corn. I thought I had made plenty of it- ten cups of the sweet treat. Boy was I wrong.

Turns out that my caramel corn was Phenomenal. My wife and I battled it out racing to finish our snack. It was super easy to make that I’ll probably do it a few more times this summer.

Have you made caramel popcorn before? Any tips or recipe secrets I should know about? Let me know in the comment section!

Morning Rug Making Followed By An Afternoon Break

I had a full morning finishing the tufting aspect of my Godzilla rug. A couple of times I pulled out some of the yarn and started over. I just wasn’t happy with the initial design. Now that’s it’s done however- I love it.

The rug takes up my entire frame measuring at six feet by four and a half. I love how it turned out almost like a comic book cover. Once the glue dries, I can’t wait to carve it and show off the final result.

The rug took me about eight hours to tuft. I also went through about $85 in yarn. Plus $35 monks cloth and $5 glue. Afterwards will be about $15 in felt for the backing and another two to three hours to finish it off. I don’t plan on selling, but it’s good to know what the costs are associated with my hobby.

Now I’m outside enjoying the sun. I spent about an hour in the pool with my son and we tossed a ball back and forth. As I write today’s blog, I’m enjoying our lounge chair and the sun is giving me a nice tan.

I’ll be back in the pool in a bit to float around before (and possibly after) dinner. My wife will be joining me shortly as her work week is finally over. It’s time to unwind and relax as the summer weather brings me joy.

I hope that you are having a good start to your summer! Enjoy the weekend everybody!

The Rain Has Gone-Bring On Summer

Holy smokes. It seems like the world knows exactly what is going on. Yesterday was the first day of summer and the weather turned from rain and chills to hot and sunny overnight.

The next few days are setting up to have perfect temperatures. I have a feeling that I’m going to do more relaxing outdoors than usual over the next while. The pool, the yard, an afternoon siesta or two- I really don’t want to waste my time indoors.

Officially, our youngest is finished school for the year as well. I have a feeling he will be working early mornings like he did last year and enjoying afternoon cooldowns in our backyard. I’m glad that our children are grown up (to an extent) and that they can fend for themselves. My wife and I don’t need to look after them as much as we once had to.

That means it’s time for us to enjoy life once more. And this summer is staring off beautifully! Hooray for sunshine!


It’s not easy to be creative. Creating art of any sort is challenging. Mostly because when there is a learning process and a lot of failures before you get good.

Even getting good at what you do casts doubt on your skills. There are times I look at my landscaping, writing, painting, rug making, etc and see the mistakes I made. Or I discover where I could have improved what I created. But I keep working and learning. I enjoy being creative and think everyone has the ability to showcase what’s inside of them.

It’s hard to be proud and share what you make sometimes. The most critical person of what you create is yourself. Turning off that negative voice inside your head is hard to do. Dropping your guard and allowing others to give feedback can be tough.

But get out there and get creative! Share your favorite piece with me, I’d love to see it!

Why A Godzilla Rug?

Normally I make anime and video game inspired rugs. I love doing those because they are sharp and easy to show what they are intended to be. For some friends, I have made sports team rugs- again easier to tell exactly what the image is. So I wanted to make a rug for me and try out some new techniques. Here is my reasoning for Godzilla.

When I was a little boy of about age 2 or 3, I saw my first Godzilla movie. It was on a tiny little black and white tv in an apartment building (or perhaps hotel?) that my parents were in for a brief while. My mother was busy doing laundry and ironing clothes while I sat on a vinyl foot stool with my face nearly pressed up against the screen. I remember vividly the steamy smell of the ironing as I watched what seemed to be a marathon of Godzilla films.

I remember Mothra and Mechagodzilla battling it out with the king of the lizards. It was a surreal moment being a few floors up in a high rise with the curtains open and the tv showing monsters trashing the city. To me, this was the best thing ever. A little boy whose imagination hoped to see a monster outside during the commercial breaks. Over the next few years, I remember playing in the bathtub and pretending to be a monster splashing around battling other monsters.

As I grew up, I continued my enjoyment of watching Godzilla films. My favorite ones were the films coming from Japan- those ones have a certain campiness about them that holds near and dear to my heart.

It should come as no surprise that I wanted to make a Godzilla rug. Of course I also wanted it to be an attempt at my largest rug. I went online and found an image that I feel will translate into a fantastic piece.

I began to prepare my yarn on the weekend. Rolling numerous bundles into various coloured cakes. To me, the yellow, orange and brown hues scream out 1970’s. Which was the tail end of the decade in which I would have seen my first monster movie. The colour palette doesn’t match my home, but I think the contrast will create a focal point once I complete the rug.

This Thursday I will start on putting yarn into fabric. By the end of Friday I should have it completed and ready for showing off.

Stay tuned!

Eyebrow Attackers

Yesterday after dinner my kids showed me some Father’s Day love in the only way they seem to know how. They attacked me, held me down, and plucked hairs from my eyebrow!

The kids seem to enjoy taking pleasure in assaulting me. My youngest held me down, my middle grabbed the tweezers and my oldest filmed the event.

My wife laughed maniacally as tears ran down my face as each hair was torn from above my eyes. The joy my family receives from my pain is astounding.

But I don’t mind. If my family is happy, then I am happy. Especially when we are all together- causing me harm is just a byproduct.

Being A Father On Father’s Day

It’s Father’s Day once more. As a father I was doing the one thing I do almost every year. I went to work.

My family knows that my schedule has oftentimes made celebrating days like today challenging. But in a loving manner, they have been accommodating and understanding. They know that I may not always be there for a full day of events because of this. However, they will ensure that the time I do have available is filled with love and kindness.

Being a good parent is always being there and doing the right thing for your family. The times that my kids will remember are the moments I give them my full attention. Those moments where I show pride in their accomplishments or listen to their hardships. Being a father isn’t just one day a year- you could be needed at anytime for any reason. Those are the days that really feel like Father’s Day.

One of the few smiles I shared with my father.

Sometimes it’s for a hug. Other times it’s to be insulted by your kids. Most often, it’s just them having the knowledge that you are still around. That’s been how I parent. Very different from my father’s style and probably very different than his father before him.

I love my family and am grateful for their existence and being in my life.

Perhaps one day my kids will become parents themselves. I hope to look proudly on them as they face the joys of parenthood and the challenges that come with that responsibility. And I hope that they take notice to how I was a father to them (in all of my good and bad moments) and created a better life for their families- should that be the case.

Poco Pool Party

Today we had the group that my son skates with from the Poco Lightning Speed Skating club over for a pool party. Even though the clouds were out- everyone still had a great time.

The teenagers hit the water within the first hour of arriving. Loads of laughs, splashing and goofing off was had. It was a perfect afternoon where the water was warmer than being outside of the pool. This kept the kids occupied while the adults made dinner

Three or four parents stayed at the grill the entire time. They were churning out ribs and kebabs galore. Everyone was well fed and had a great time. Having them over was a great way to celebrate a successful year of speed skating.

This summer, we will have more friends over for various events. I hope that each time is as fun as today was!

Sweet, Sweet Crepes

Last night my wife wanted crepes. We haven’t made crepes in about a decade. Making them wasn’t too difficult. Having them for dinner on the other hand…

We have a 12” cast iron pan. Normally I use it to make eggs or warm up fajitas wraps. Which the pan works perfectly for. Making crepes on this pan had the downside of being larger than I needed to make them. Our 8” skillet would have probably done just fine. I made a dozen of these large sized crepes. Three for each of us.

Once the crepes were finished cooking, we assembled them with sweetness! Fresh made whipped cream with various jams were in the middle. Icing sugar and syrup were on top. My son made me a hot chocolate and layered tiny marshmallows on top.

After finishing my first two crepes I realized that this was a poor choice for dinner. I don’t do sweets at the best of times, so I’m not sure why I thought this would be a good idea. But I finished the dinner and felt my sugar levels were so intense that I had become nauseous.

I had to rest before bed. That seems crazy to me. But now I’m thinking it’ll probably be another decade before I make crepes again. Or maybe next time only make half as many and in small sizes.

Backyard Movie Nights Will Return

Yesterday I finally got around to setting up our motorized screen and 4k projector. Only this time it’s not indoors. My wife and I discussed where we could do a theater room in the home, but neither of us wanted to wire up or create a designated spot. So for two years the projector and screen sat stored in the garage.

In our previous home, we enjoyed being able to sit outside and enjoy watching films and playing video games. We began to do outdoor movies about fifteen years ago. Then in the last few years of living in that home- we would open the back doors and watch films under cover; or we would hang out on the tree deck in the middle of the yard. I really enjoyed both of those activities.

Yesterday I decided to set up our motorized screen inside our cabana (aka gazebo). I also repurposed some old metal bars that were once used for our Honda Element as a roof rack as a projector mount. Today I painted it to blend in with the hardware inside the cabana instead of industrial black. I also made it so we can take both down with ease so the outdoor elements don’t destroy their ability to work.

Last night my middle and I sat to watch some Bob’s Burgers and tweak the settings. I think everything is turning out pretty good. My favorite part is the ability to watch the screen from the pool- which I guarantee we will do whilst floating around!

Creating a fun environment at our home is never ending it seems. But I love to open up our yard to friends and family to share in these experiences. I’m glad that Backyard Movie Nights are returning! Maybe Finding Nemo will be our first screening!

Rain, Clouds and Sun

Over the last while we have had sprinklings of rain periodically. It also looks like it will be occurring throughout the week as well. I think it’s great and good for the vegetation all around. The plant life booms from getting hydrated.

What I really enjoy is when the clouds start to dissipate and the sun peaks through. I find the colours explode and create a rainbow medley palette that stretches on forever. I could sit and watch the sunset in perpetual replay if life would allow. At this point, it’s pretty close to being almost daily when the sun goes down and shares some beauty across the sky.

Do you enjoy sunsets? Or do you prefer sunrises?

Upcoming Father’s Day

Over the past little while I have not been feeling like a father. Our two oldest children are now considered adults and our youngest is seventeen. He now has his driver’s license and is doing his best to enjoy this new found freedom.

Granted I am still supporting our kids and trying my best to be there for them as they hit their goals and accomplishments. But a part of me feels like I am no longer parenting and am now attempting to become a friend or perhaps I am just another adult that they know.

This Sunday I don’t suspect that anything is planned for Father’s Day. I have the luxury of getting up early and working all day. So breakfast in bed is out of the question. I will likely come home to a dinner being made, but that’s kind of normal on a Sunday night when I work during the day. I’ll still appreciate it and know that my kids are getting fairly good at cooking/baking these days.

In regards to gifts, I know that my family doesn’t always pay attention to what I like (at the time because of my every changing wants). It is however very typical for them to give me something that I will cherish. I often display their gifts as I am surprised by the thoughtfulness and how it makes me feel. I even have a couple of shelves filled with boxes that contain handmade gifts of yore. I also have some paintings given to me that I love as well.

But the feelings of being a father is starting to flit away. I’m not sure if I am quite ready to let go of that aspect of my personality. Perhaps one day I will evolve into Grandfather status. There’s a day devoted to that, right? Although I’m not in a hurry for that to happen.

Perhaps He Will Follow In My Footsteps?

My son and I are often discussing his future. We talk about short term goals- like school, graduation and skating. We also talk about summer and his employment at the golf course. He really enjoys working and seeing a paycheck in the end for his hard work.

The one thing he really wants to do is work at CN Rail as a switchman/conductor. In the same fashion as I did. However, he wants to start at a younger age and not at 31 like I did. I’m hoping that he will take a couple of years to go and explore the world and live a little before getting settled into a career straight out of high school.

I won’t discourage him if he chooses to apply at this or any other railroad. The work is decent and the money is worthwhile. I also know that his work ethic is great and he would accomplish his goal and become well liked with colleagues.

If he makes the leap straight into working the railroad from graduation he can expect to retire by 55. But he could also jump in by his early 20’s and still be done by 55 to live life. Who knows what he will do. All I can say is that I’ll support him throughout his journey once he graduates next year.

Big Achievement

Yesterday our son brought home a trophy that he earned from speed skating. This was his first year at the new club and everyone was impressed by his performance. From teammates to coaches to us (his parents)- we have cheered him and pushed him towards success.

The trophy he received was for MOST IMPROVED. A truly obvious award for what he accomplished this past year. He finally brought the trophy home so that my wife and I could see it. We will put it on display proudly until we return it to the club before the end of the season next year. That way it can be passed on to the next skater who achieves MOST IMPROVED.

We have been really proud of Theory and his skating. Since joining the Poco Lightning, we have seen a vast improvement in his skills and desire to compete. I cannot wait to see what else he is capable of in the year to come.

Picture Perfect

Our son has been enjoying his photography major at school. He has taken a keen interest in all forms of phot taking. From old 35mm cameras to digital photography. He has learned many styles.

His favorite subject matter is taking pictures of animals and nature. He digitally manipulated one of his pictures to showcase the colours of a bird. His teacher had it on display at the school for the last semester. Theory brought it home as the school year is slowly coming to an end.

We placed it in a frame and it is now hanging in our living room. It adds a splash of colour to our otherwise grey and white motif. I really like the image and hope that our son creates more art like this next year.

We definitely need more picture frames if that’s the case. And ones that are anti-glare if we want to showcase the works in our main living areas!

Supporting (Really) Small Business

I’m always on the lookout to support entrepreneurs and small businesses. When you purchase from them you are helping out the little person. Honestly, small business acumen can start at a young age.

Yesterday, my 19 year old and I walked up the street to buy some lemonade at the park. These two girls were out there right after school selling drinks at $1 each and chocolate chip cookies.

I spoke with the girls for a bit and found out that the lemonade stand they were using they had just gotten the other day. They also plan to be set up at the park at least two times a week during the summer. I was quite impressed with their signage and how polite they were.

The lemonade was the perfect amount of sour and refreshing for a hot day. The chocolate chip cookies had a nice crunch on the outside and was gooey in the middle. Needless to say I will be back again a few times to support them.

I hope this review helps drum up business for them as well! Be sure to stop on by as you head towards our house. The kids are going to be located at Bose Forest Park this summer.

Turn the Tide

Last night I attended my son’s year end final concert. It was held in Vancouver at the Christ Church Cathedral. The music program has been performing at this venue every year (albeit those Covid years) and for good reason. The acoustics are phenomenal. They began the night with several choir pieces. The songs showcased the talented vocals that these fine arts students possess.

After the intermission, the orchestra performed with the mass choir to really get the mood switched over. Then the orchestra performed three more pieces, each with a soloist. The first had a phenomenal flutist. The next two each had a soprano singer. All three floored the audience- deserving a standing ovation.

To close the night off was the senior concert band. This was the reason I was there- to support our youngest son in his trumpet playing. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I’m sad that next year will be the last one.


This morning I went out into the garden and saw my first ripe strawberry! Yesterday my wife told me that I should go and pick it before someone or something eats it. So I did. I even ate it straight from the garden. That kind of fresh.

Boy was it delicious. Biting into it and savoring the moment by myself was everything and more. It reminded me of the scene from the tv series “Firefly” where Kaylee enjoys a strawberry. (I really should watch that series again! Best short lived sci-fi series in decades.)

I cannot wait for more fruits and vegetables to start emerging from our garden. Maybe next time a strawberry arrives I’ll share with my family. But not likely. Those are my special treats.

Warm Wind Blowing

Today is an absolutely beautiful day. It’s fairly hot out with the sun looming overhead. Sunscreen is a must if you plan to be out there. But it’s that warm breeze that is making it pleasant to be outside.

The next few days appear to be much of the same. I’m looking forward to my day off tomorrow. I’ll be spending it by myself, just trying to relax throughout the afternoon.

These temperatures and warm wind remind me of summer living in Edmonton as a child. Much like my current home, my children house backed onto farmer’s fields. The wind would travel through the openness making the wheat wave like water.

I’m seeing much of the same as the grass and bushes behind us sway back and forth creating ripples across the land. The gentle rustle of the trees is calming and pleasant. Even the birds are chirping gleefully as a stronger breeze kicks in periodically.

I like this peace and quiet with the warm wind blowing. I am in my happy place.