Yard Pride From Front To Back

As the weather gets nicer, people are out working on their yards. My wife and I have spent a lot of time, elbow grease, and money on creating beautiful curb appeal. There is still more to come, but for the most part I’d say it’s looking great.

As I said, we aren’t the only ones working on their yards. I have seen the neighbors out on a regular basis tending to their lawns and gardens. My wife and I chose to keep up with the similarities of our neighborhood yards, not just because it looks good, but it also showed us which plants thrive in this general location. I also took the time to discuss with neighbors about their yards and experiences as the seasons change.

As for our backyard, since it is mostly a lounging location for us, the garden aspect is limited. Most of the edge gardens is established and we just need to trim back on occasion. My wife has been working on vegetables to be grown in a few planters around the backyard. So currently inside our home, the seedlings are beginning to sprout. Within a few weeks, they will be replanted outside as we await tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers to begin growing.

As wonderful as all of this sounds, there is a bit more chaos going on in our next door neighbors’s places. Both the house next to us and the one next to that are digging up their backyards. Next to us they are planning on adding a swim spa and the house next to that is wanting a pond. The crew that was hired is doing both at the same time and work began months ago. Now that the weather is nicer- they are working on it more frequently. I am looking forward to when the work is completed, not just because the noise will be over, but I want to admire the final results. I think the three of us will have outstanding backyards that we will enjoy for years to come.

Do you have big plans for your yard this year? Let me know in the comments and feel free to share previous work you are proud of!

Training Ground

Our son is still actively training even though the regular speed skating practice season is over. Now he is onto Spring Session with his future club. And they push hard.

He is enjoying it. He’s looking fit. He’s strengthening his muscles, and getting a chance to meet other athletes with similar goals. Our last club was great and the family was there since 2010. But because our son wanted to continue with competitions- he needed to move to a club that really pushes the skaters.

Last weekend our son also went to participate in a special training at a University campus. This was put on by RBC to allow up and coming athletes from various sports to showcase their skills. It was mainly for sports that aren’t as mainstream as some. So no hockey or baseball were being represented. Once the evaluations are completed from the one day event, those kids selected will be given a grant to help pay for their dreams to compete.

I do hope the best outcome for him with that brief moment to showcase his strengths. But since it is Canada wide, he knows that he can’t be disappointed if it just doesn’t happen for him. However, we are still making sure that he practices and trains as much as possible in order to keep his muscles strong. There are a few summer programs and still a couple competitions that he will attend prior to autumn.

Training and a regimented schedule will help to keep him focused. I know he wants it bad enough, so my wife and I will help him on his journey as best we can. Mostly my wife mind you. She is really devoted in seeing what competitions are coming up and his times at each event. Being a supportive parent is the best thing we can do for him.

Do you train for something you enjoy? Let me know!

It’s Just Stuff

Sometimes shit happens. There’s no need to get angry over it. Especially if it was unintentional and completely by accident.

Yesterday evening, my coworker struck my car as he was leaving the parking lot. He drives a raised truck and his back tire rubbed loudly against my bumper as he pulled out of his parking spot. I was in the parking lot at the time and my initial reaction to him was as expected. “What the hell dude!?”

He felt awful. After plenty of apologizing while I inspected what had happened, I told him not to worry. It didn’t look like and damage was done. No dents or scratches were immediately visible. Just rubber had been well, rubbed on.

The next morning, he arrived early and was cleaning my bumper before I left work. There was still two large streaks that he was unable to get off and he was sure it had gone through the paint. He offered to pay for the damages. I told him we would talk later. I got home and took out some ultra fine grit automotive sand paper that I have (for my 3d printing) and gave it some gentle swirls. It all came off and I gave it a quick wipe. Unless you know this happened (I guess most of you know now!) it’s hardly noticeable. As if I cleaned a bit too well on the one spot.

I sent the picture of the spotless corner to my coworker. He was relieved and continued to apologize. I know that it sucks when something happens by accident. But in all seriousness- it’s just stuff. My car is nearly six years old now. It has chips and scratches from just normal driving. I do appreciate his efforts in trying to clean the marks off, as well as his sincerity of the incident.

Things like this happen. It’s just how we react that can change the outcome. I could’ve yelled and screamed. But that would not solve anything and create a rift in our working relationship and environment. Instead we can joke about it and move on.


Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Five. That’s how many days and how many blogs I have put out.

That’s an insane amount if you think about it.

That’s six years and two months worth of writing each and every day. Had I put that effort into writing novels, I’d probably be working on my third book by now. However, it is my life and an attempt at showcasing the positivity in it that drives me to blog. Not every story is great. Not every thought is really worth sharing. Yet I have been doing it now for 322 weeks.

I think I may actually be coming to a point where I will stop blogging about myself. I feel I have shared a lot over these past seventy four months and I know you all read them when you can. Which I appreciate. Maybe it’s time for me to focus on something else. Like that novel I always wanted to write.

Before I call the personal blog quits, I will let everyone know ahead of time. But I honestly do see it coming to an end soon. I hope my life’s journey over these past few years have inspired travel, food, fun and relaxation in your lives as well. Thanks for all the love each and every day.

Seeing Yourself Through Someone Else’s Eyes

I always try and be a positive thinker. I do my best to be supportive of family and friends. It appears that is not always the case. As great a job as I think I am doing, in someone else’s eyes, I failed them.

Our oldest recently moved out a few months ago. I received an email from them yesterday outlining and unloading a lot of thoughts. Turns out they felt I was not a supportive parent. They told me they were afraid to talk to me about pretty much anything. They also said I destroyed their childhood because in their eyes I did the bare minimum of parenting. The hardest part about hearing this is the fact that they have run off to live with the one person who I felt was ruining their life back in high school. I was vocal then about him, and I’m still of the same opinion.

I always had a tough time communicating with our oldest as they hit the teenage years. My expectations of who I thought they could be were always high. Probably unrealistically so, hence why I may have appeared to be a terrible father in their eyes when I became angry with their shortcomings and inactions. Specifically in school when they willingly chose to fail classes and lie to my wife and I about it. Again, the friend they are currently living with is the one who constantly brought down their grades.

October 2017- Silent Treatment

As an individual, my kid is entitled to have these feelings towards me. A part of me is not surprised by how they feel- as I could sense that there was a division happening in our relationship over the years. I even took counseling on how to improve communication with your kids. That worked periodically, but our oldest always had a way of derailing conversations and becoming silent.

Needless to say, the relationship with my oldest is at an impasse. I will leave the ball in their court and hope that one day they can see more of the positive aspects of our relationship. I also hope the secrecy and destructiveness their friend is creating in their life will end. Looking back at my youth, I know I made some poor friend choices and ignored my parent’s well wishes.

Parenting is tough and it hurts to be viewed as a villain. Unloading this today in my blog is not my normal and joyous thoughts. It’s the gritty hard truths that build up into something to overcome and create a positive action from.

Solo Movie Viewing

It’s been years since I went to the movies by myself. Back in the 90’s I used to go to the mall on a Friday and head to a matinee to see the opening weekend of a blockbuster. In the early 2000’s I worked at the multiplex cinema and would watch films regularly by myself. Many times from up in the booth staring through the small window.

Today I needed to revisit this feeling. I attended the IMAX at the theater I once worked at. I bought a ticket for the back row away from everyone else. Absorbing the experience by myself brought back the sensation I once enjoyed. I was able to dive deep into the movie and view it uninterrupted. No whispered discussion with friends or family during the show. Just the film and I.

I will say, I enjoyed doing that. I may return to solo viewing of movies. It was a time to unwind and fall into the fantasy world of cinema.

An experience that I truly missed.

Burnt Out

Something’s got to give.

I’m really starting to feel burnt out at home lately. Everything is becoming a chore. Even working on my daily blog is getting difficult.

Mostly because I’m not relaxing the way I want to without judgement. My wife is my partner- whom I appreciate and love, yet I can’t be left alone to gather my thoughts or unwind. If I try and get away to take some time for myself, it seems as though she makes me feel guilty for doing what I do.

Sitting on the couch, or in the yard, having a beer is not acceptable in her eyes. She approaches me with more complaints about pretty much everything, and I can’t clear my own thoughts. I also need to process my emotions and difficulties away outside of the household. But it seems like it’s not in the cards.

As much as I want to run away, I cannot. I stay, the problems keep coming. I’m falling into a slump. I’m not looking for advice at this time, more just venting out into the ether.

Thank you.

Don’t You Forget About Me

Today is one of those dates in films that matters to those who love nostalgia. March 24, 1984.

The Breakfast Club is set for this date- way back when. A classic film from the 80’s. A John Hughes masterpiece. I remember watching it on tv one weekend in the 80’s. It was one of those “Special TV Movies” that were unmissable.

I haven’t seen this film in years (I think…I’m having deja vu as I write this blog- maybe I’ve seen it more recently). And tonight my wife and I are watching it in bed. Seeing these actors and listening to the dialogue makes me realize that the world has drastically changed. Yet in some ways we can all still relate to the struggles of life.

The hardships of being a teenager. The fact that these complete strangers stuck up for each other is understandable as well. I can relate to all the characters in one way or another. Many of us can, which is what makes it such a great film.

Watching it now, I see the scenes of the principal and relate to him as well. The difficulty of being an adult towards teenagers is my life these days. Life just keeps changing and evolving.

It’s unavoidable. It just happens.


Today I hung out with an older coworker of mine. He is an experienced railroader who has been with the company as long as I have been alive- almost five decades. So I respect how he runs things and listen to his stories. Not many of his tales are of work. Most are of his family and experiences outside of there. I appreciate his tales and respect how he tells them.

I spent hours with him today. In doing so, I came home smelling like an ashtray. He smokes. A lot. I haven’t smelled like cigarettes in years. My father smoked regularly. And in the 70’s/80’s it wasn’t uncommon to be indoors or in a car with a child while you smoked. As a result, I took up smoking at around age 17.

I smoked for about 10 years off and on. There is hardly any pictures of me smoking. In fact, when my wife and I married, she requested that we do not have pictures of us smoking in case our children were to see them. The last time I smoked a cigarette was before my son was born. Over 16 years ago.

I have celebrated with a cigar on occasion since then. Not my favorite thing to do, so it’s only been about three times. I do not smoke any other things, as my world is already a trip as it is. Finding a picture of my indiscretions of the past is rare and I would be surprised if there are more than the two I have shared today.

But the smell of stale cigarettes on my clothes today brought back memories of long ago. I was unsure of what tale I wanted to share, if any, of smoking. So here’s a small tidbit.

When I was under the age of ten, my father would send me to the corner store to buy cigarettes. There was an age restriction of being sixteen in 1986, so I would be given note with a phone number to contact my dad, and I could buy a pack and bring it home. After a few times, the corner store owner began to know me and my father’s brand, so the note was unnecessary for a couple of years. That was when the age limit changed to 18 and the government cracked down on selling to minors.

Cigarettes and smoking have a different stigma than they once had. My coworker still smokes as of the 80’s and 90’s were relevant. A part of me looks to him as an uncle, and honestly he probably could’ve been a close family friend. He reminds me of the good aspects of my father. Plus my coworker has been known to dye his hair and mustache to look younger. He has a look of Burt Reynolds when he does this.

Hence the title of today’s blog- Smokey. Honestly, I think of how my father looked in the 80’s and believe this was also his attempt and being cool. Facial hair, a cigarette and a beer- that was the 80’s “Dad Look” and smell. No cologne needed as a haze of smoke would be around.

Just Plain Ol’ Tired

Another tiring day at the office and came home to more tiring activities. The action of making dinner and putting away laundry was more mentally exhausting than it needed to be.

I went through the motions and did what I had to do. I almost forgot to write this blog. So please forgive me if it’s meh. Which I know it is. I don’t have the mental capacity to put a lot of thought or string words together eloquently right now.

I’m just throwing in the towel for the day and heading to sleep. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better day. Stay strong Josef. The week is almost at the halfway point. It’s been a tough climb up the first half of the week- then it’s all down hill.

Dang, that wasn’t as motivating as I had hoped.

Back At It Again With The Back Pain

It’s been a few months since I have complained about Dealing with Back Pain. So here’s a quick update.

It’s still here.

Today is not as bad as it has been in the past. Mostly my lower back causing me grief. I think it is partly due to sitting for extended lengths of time while at work in front of a computer. I have been doing my best not to cross my legs while sitting, as well as getting up to walk around more. I do have to drive quite a bit for work, so I’m also sitting for ages heading out to different locations.

I do enjoy walking when the pain isn’t around. My wife knows that I have struggled occasionally to keep up with her- I feel elderly some days even though she has five years on me! At work, the ground isn’t exactly an even surface to walk on (railroads are like that). Sometimes I’m naturally tense as I walk the rail yard talking to crews.

Slouching is also a bad habit I have. But being 6’8” means I have to lean over naturally while standing. Slouching while sitting is a habit I need to break; and I should have broken years ago. Back stretches help. I hate to say it, but last week when building the roof on the gazebo was really good for my muscles. I felt great after the physical work.

What I’m saying is, the back pain is back. Or it never really left in the end.

Pure Imagination

The other day I mentioned that my son and I worked on the Lego Sakura Bonsai tree together. We keep it in a square display case in order to keep it dust free. Our son decided that it looked kind of bland and wanted to update it a bit more.

He used his imagination and memories of when we went to Tokyo. In doing so, he added a rock garden, a waterway, and some greenery. I’m impressed by how he designed it- using a multitude of different pieces to create a cutaway scene.

Our son wants to add more detail to the last corner. I have a feeling it will flow into what he has created thus far. I love that he is so creative and takes the styles he has learned from years of conventions and Lego displays in order to utilize the pieces so uniquely.

Do you love building with Lego? Are your kids still playing with it as they grow older? Let me know in the comments.

Spring Break Staycation

As my last day comes to an end, I think I had a relatively great staycation. A quick look back at the last ten days showed how busy it was. As well as how productive it ended up being.

We did a bunch of gardening, went to a speed skating meet last weekend, had a night on the town for my birthday, and built a gazebo as a family. We built some Lego, and our oldest came to visit and we all had a delightful time. There really isn’t much more I could ask for.

All in all it was a great birthday week. I’m glad I spent it with my family.

Gazebo A-Go

Back in the middle of February I ordered a gazebo from Costco. It was on sale and was out of stock every day I was trying to buy it. Until the last day of the sale. I snagged one and had it delivered about ten days later.

We were replacing a pergola that was on our back deck. The pergola was still in great shape, and we had picked up a new fabric top last summer. However, we also realized that we needed a better cover for the upcoming summer season. Our new gazebo arrived in three very heavy boxes on a pallet. It sat in my side of the garage for a little over a week.

I had taken down the old pergola last week. When my wife and I returned home from my birthday night away- we took the time to move the parts downstairs to the back deck. The family helped, and we built the four posts and the frame that afternoon. The next day, my son and I worked hard in the rain to build each roof panel. We placed them into position and called it quits. The rain was not easing up.

Today we had good weather. So in the afternoon when my wife finished work, we headed outside once more and worked as a family to finish the build. After a bit of figuring out the layout and how it would work- we had the roof up and the gazebo was completed within a couple of hours.

As I finished some of the last screws, the family brought down the patio set and got it in place. I’m so happy that the family came together as we built the outdoor structure. I truly appreciate their help and if you could believe it, there was minimal cursing and no bloodshed!

We are almost ready for the summer season. Just some lights, a heat lamp, and some friends are all that is needed for some great evenings.

Lego Sakura Bonsai

Today my son and I changed our Lego Bonsai tree into a Cherry Blossom tree. He and I worked together to finish off the branches and attached them to the tree. I like that the change coincides with Sakura blooming over the next couple of months.

We picked this set up back in the summer and built it together as a family- Lego Bonsai. This set is by far one of my top favorite Lego sets that we own. Although I will say, most of our Lego sets are pretty amazing. I love the Disney Castle, the Spaceship from Lego Movie, Star Wars Lego sets, as well as numerous more sets we have collected over the years.

Something about Lego and the simplicity of how it works, yet using imagination- it can turn into something much more extravagant and elegant. All while using simple plastic pieces to do it.

Do you have a favorite Lego set? Do you often build them as a family or with your kids?

Let me know in the comments.

Dinner And Music

Last night my wife took me out to a fancy dinner at the hotel we were staying at. We went a bit early to enjoy the lounge because there was live music being played.

We sat across from the piano player. He mentioned that he was taking requests. So I asked for “Easy” by Commodores. He played it immediately and my wife and I grooved to the song. When we were being seated for dinner, the maitre’d asked if we still wanted to be seated near the piano. So we did.

We had a beautiful dinner together. I requested a couple more songs, and the pianist obliged. He played “Memories” by Dean Martin (the piano player said he will add this to his repertoire after) and “Your Song” by Elton John. Our dinner was elegant and by far the best meal I have had this year.

I enjoyed my birthday dinner tremendously. The company was exactly what I wanted and the entertainment was on point.

Forty Six- Returning To The Wedgewood

It’s my birthday today. I am now 46 years of age. No big celebration this year. Just a night away with my wife. A chance to act young and silly. All while feeling like royalty.

We have returned to The Wedgewood Vancouver for our night away. Last time we were here was nearly three years ago. This time around we are on the 8th floor and truly overlooking the city. I like this place because of the service we receive. From the valet meeting us in the street to the concierge bring wine and chocolate covered strawberries to the personal touches of the greeting card in our room.

A sense of luxury and pampering really makes this feel like a well deserved getaway. The stresses of life are left at home, and our short journey into Vancouver is wonderful. A fancy dinner and a couple bottles of wine- we shall let all of our cares subside for 24 hours.

Cheers to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday today! I may be older, but now my foolishness is more eccentric.

Onto the next adventure!

π For Everyone!

March 14:



Pi day. Yeah, nerdy and fun. March 14 or 3.14: the start of π. Or looking in the mirror 314 reads as PIE … As usual I celebrated with a pie for the family.

PIE : 314

Apple pie of course. It’s the best pie around. Warmed up with a side of vanilla ice cream as well. We all enjoyed it.

Here’s some extra nerdy info I learned today as well: Great scientific minds that coincide with March 14th.

I have mentioned π day in the past. Not much has changed. I still think numbers are fun. And pie is one of my top desserts. So, enjoy your day I guess.

Parent Commitment

As much as I discuss our kids and their accomplishments when it comes to speed skating, there is still a lot that goes on behind the scenes.

The parents are often in the crowds cheering on the skaters. But they also take the time to sharpen skates and discuss equipment and skating strategies. Keeping the kids excited and actively involved can be challenging as the days go on. It’s not just the competition days though.

My wife travels a lot with our son. I have gone on the occasional trip for practice with him. But the competitions are mostly my wife’s domain. She is always excited to travel with him. Our son does his best and knows that these trips aren’t cheap. Nor are they a vacation. It’s like traveling for a business trip.

The business is skating. And encouraging our kids is the best way to keep them out of trouble due to boredom. It’s a sacrifice of our time and money, but the results are well worth it. A commitment to supporting our children no matter what.

11 Years Of Skating

Theory is attending a Speed Skating meet this weekend in Richmond. He has been to this rink numerous times before. As the years go on, I find it amazing at how much better he has gotten at skating. He gets a feel for the ice, he interacts with other skaters to do stretches between races, he also works on mental strategy before and during his races.

I’m always looking back at our kids’ progress. Yesterday was one of those Facebook Memories that is relevant once more. Theory’s first competition ever had him falling repeatedly, but the crowd cheered for him each time he got back up. Almost every meet since then, he has had friends and competitors in the audience continue to cheer for him.

This weekend will push Theory in his age group more than it has in the past. He is skating against someone in a 1500m race that is almost 20 seconds faster than he is. Chasing that skater is today’s goal for his personal improvement.

I’m always proud of how Theory skates. He never holds back and always does his best. Seeing how he had fallen and gotten up during his first ever meet proved that he wants to succeed. I’m looking forward to seeing his results this weekend.

No More Masks

As of 12:01 this morning, BC had lifted the mask mandate. There are mixed reviews on this decision- as can be read hear from the local News: Mask Reaction.

Personally, I will still carry a bag of disposable masks in my car. I honestly feel it will depend on the situation and location as to whether I should wear one or not. For example, this morning I have been out shopping to three different stores. I’ve been wearing a mask and probably 75% of people are as well.

Just because the government says we don’t need to wear a mask, doesn’t mean we should accept that Covid is over. Far from it. Perhaps though, people and businesses will be more forgiving if people take sick days. No need to come to work and spread a cold or flu in the upcoming years.

We should also make it normal that folks wear masks by choice if they are getting over being sick. Much like the Asian communities. No one treats people poorly for choosing to mask up in places like Hong Kong or Japan.

If mask mandates return, I would hope that folks be receptive to the idea, and not be idiotic as some anti-maskers/ anti-vaxxers have been.

Phone Contacts

I added a new number recently into my cellphone. I think it means I have entered the next stage in my life. If I ever put it as a “Favorite” then I’ll be reaching the final few years of my life.

Yeah. I added a pharmacy phone number into my phone. I have gotten prescriptions elsewhere. Previously, if I ever needed a refill I would just look on my bottle or inhaler and call the pharmacy. Easy-peasy. Except the last time.

Maybe I’m getting old, or maybe I just wasn’t focusing. But I had a tough time reading the label on my inhaler. The writing was too damn small! I tried to use my phone and take a picture so I could zoom in. That got me most of the number. But I didn’t want to hazard a guess. I ended up looking up the pharmacy phone number online. After I called in the refill- I stored the phone number into my phone.

No more trying to squint or take pictures for this old man. I don’t think I need glasses quite yet. But I do think I may need to set my phone to a larger font… ah the joys of creating my mid-forties.

Spring Break Staycation Time

It was a quiet evening yesterday at work. The sky was clear and the tracks were nearly empty. I enjoyed the calmness that came with my shift. I had a few days off approaching and was glad that there wasn’t going to be any unfinished business.

I finished my night shift at 6am and raced home to begin my first vacation of the year. As soon as I got home, it was straight to bed for a nap. Seriously one of the best ways to enjoy a staycation is to just relax.

My wife and I went for a walk around the neighborhood in the afternoon. We talked about the kids, money and my upcoming birthday. When we returned home, I took down our old awning and cracked open a beer. I’ll be putting up a new gazebo and selling this old one on Facebook Marketplace soon enough.

Tomorrow will be some more yard work since the sun is supposed to be out. I kind of like the tinkering about and just making the yard look nice. Sometimes a vacation is just meant to relax oneself. No fancy destination required.

Final Few Months

As our middle child approaches the end of being in the public school system, I remember fondly everything that has gone on. My wife and I did our best to be there for every single performance that was put on. No matter the cost or inconvenience it may have on us. Each and every production showcased the growth and skills the kids had learned over the years.

Old photo of Darwin singing.

Last night was an orchestra performance celebrating the class of 2022. My wife was able to attend- unfortunately I was unable- and enjoy the show. Twelve or so years of learning, practicing, and recitals lead to a successful performance by all involved.

Having our kids attend a Fine Arts school really pushed their creativity and knowledge of the arts. As they enter adulthood, I know it be be a strong foundation for their lives moving forward. With only a few months left, I am excited to see this part of our child’s journey come to an end and the next one begin.

As always, I am a proud parent.

Doggo Play dates

This weekend had some nice sunny days for us around here. It was so nice in fact that our dog even had a play date. She was tuckered out in the end after running around the backyard with her friend from downstairs.


A fluffy black doggo lives with our tenants in the basement. Sometimes he comes upstairs to see if Maki can play. It’s funny as well when he wanders inside and Maki wants to play outside. The two of them trip over one another at the back door as one enters and the other leaves.


By the end of this weekend however, Maki was out of energy from jumping and running around with Jax. She needed a break and came upstairs to lounge in the sun. Jax followed her up and was trying to get her to play some more. She was done and just plopped down not wanting to participate anymore. Jax accepted this and went on his merry way.

It’s fun to see these floofers out there goofing off. They run and chase each other- generally exhausting one another. Jax is one of the few dogs that Maki doesn’t bark at. They’ve been good friends since they met in June.