My Habits Are Becoming My Wife’s

I have often talked about how much I love to nap. It’s one of the joys of adulthood that a person eventually discovers.

My wife accepted that I love to nap long ago. Sure, I tend to use the excuse that I work shift work. But in reality I just love resting.

Last week we had some friends over to hang out in the pool. At one point, all four of us took a little shut eye while floating in the pool. I thought it was amazing. It was calm and zen like as we floated around- they had entered my world of peace and tranquillity. Guess what? They wanted to come back again. Guess what this afternoon will entail?

Moving on…

I had permission to share this.

My wife has had the occasional nap now. Not nearly as often as I do, but it has happened periodically. The biggest thing I have noticed is when I come home from a night shift, she has burrito’d herself in the blankets. Yeah, I can still crawl into my side of the bed- she leaves me room which is nice. But to get some blanket? Aw man. Unwrapping my little sleeping burrito is a challenge.

Meme from the internet.

She is so comfortable looking that I try and disturb her as little as possible. Sometimes I’ll go sleep elsewhere. Other times I’ll sneak in on her side and take the smallest amount is space possible on the king size bed- just in order to get a bit of blanket. She is often in a deep sleep when I arrive home lately that I don’t think she notices me.

How much do you like to rest and/or nap? Do you find it refreshing like I do?

April Is Ending

What a peculiar month April was. Teasing of spring; a smattering of winter- all to remind us of how crazy Mother Nature is. And of course today is meme filled with…

As humorous as this joke was Ten years ago when it was first introduced to the internet, perhaps it’s time to retire the meme. It’s used as much as Cher’s “Turn Back Time” every year. I love a good meme, but sometimes oversharing can kill the joke. With May on the cusp- I am looking forward to nicer weather and wearing less layers

I really do love May and I am excited to overshare Star Wars Memes and phrases next week. So I really shouldn’t complain about memes that need to retire. Especially in four days time because I will be saying…

Cheesy Goodness

It’s that time of year when rich foods fill you up and your brain becomes mushy. The week between Christmas and New Year’s is the time to overindulge and the have a reason for working out in January. I do the eating part. Not the workout part. Oftentimes I’m filling up on cheese. It gets tough to know when to stop.

We turned a meat and cheese charcuterie into a meal the other day. It was a lovely foray into the various cheeses that we know and love. Goat cheese (of all varieties) has become the most popular for this spread.

Sometimes we do a baked Brie that doesn’t last long either. But with all the other cheeses we bought, we didn’t pick one up this season. But tonight we will be having a cheese fondue. Normally that meal is saved for New Year’s Eve. But we moved it up a couple of days and plan on doing a “Deep Fry Fest” on December 31st. End the year with a greasy bang!

Do you get filled up on cheese during this week? Any favorite flavors that are a must have for the winter season?

Let me know in the comments.


“Idiots doing idiot things, because they’re idiots.” — Archer

The Internet is filled with these fantastic things called memes (Is that pronounced mee-mee or mehm?  Either way, they're fun).  There's a meme for everything.  And if not, there are sites were you can make your own like Make a meme.  Not all memes are funny.  Some are downright offensive.  Others r two stoopid 4 werds.  When I first started using Pinterest, I found these fun images created on someecards that I enjoyed sharing through texts to friends.


I wish it weren't true.


For a while before memes and someecards, demotivational posters were the best thing to hit the Internet.  I actively searched those out to share.  Gotta love a good demotivational poster to bring life back into perspective.


One day I will achieve this level of awesome.

A few years ago, my Facebook feed was filled with humorous Star Wars pictures that I would post or that friends would post for me.  I must have seen every possible Star Wars related image on the internet available at that time.  I am often still tagged in almost anything Star Wars.  I love it.  It means the people I'm friends with know my passion for this universe and think of me whenever they see anything Star Wars related.

I don't usually remove a tag from a post because it isn't my sense of humor.  I will remove a tag if I really don't think my children should see it, since they are getting to an age of internet presence.  I am aware that some people have a lifestyle or image that they want to keep clean in social media land.  I also try not to post offensive imagery for the general public to see.  I save those images for texts or private messages.  For the most part I know what I can send people, but sometimes, I cross the line.  (Sorry, not sorry.)

Please keep sharing the fun and maybe next time I can discuss gifs.


My first gif to you.