Come here to see all my mistakes.

Now that I have your attention, welcome to my first ever Blog.

I have been wanting to write since I was back in high school. It started as short stories about squirrels getting killed (and other such morbid topics).  This caused my English teacher to have a meeting with my parents since he was worried about my mental well being.  Then, after I graduated, I would go for coffee and write my thoughts down on napkins.  A few years later, when worked at a movie theater, I’d jot down stories, songs, and poems to pass the time between watching films.

Back in 2005, I even attended my first “Surrey International Writers’ Conference” where I met some amazing people with amazing talents. Not to drop names or anything… but Krista Wallace, Jonathan Lyster, Natasha Hoar, Colleen Condit, James Strocel, and Joe Kelly are a few people I am proud to say are friends I made from this experience.  I bought up all the books, attended all the lectures about how to get started, even went back for two more years afterwards.

Finding excuses to not write is easy. I’ve been doing it for years. I could tell you any number of reasons, but none of them are good. So, here we go with another attempt to get back out there with my writing.

About a month or so ago, a close friend of mine began truly writing again. He had published opinion pieces in the past, but now has vowed to share more, and quite frankly has lived up to it. I am going to take some inspiration from him and try my hand at writing a blog.  If you want to read some amusing posts about parenthood, WWE, movies, or life in general- head over to Matt Harding’s blog: 

I am coming to terms with my biggest fear: not achieving perfection in my writing.  I like to think I have a thick skin, so I would appreciate true criticisms and advice.  The most difficult thing a person can do is bare their soul- only to get knocked down and stay down, rather than try again.  So, here we go.  I’m ready to start pushing my limits and expose my inner thoughts to my friends and strangers.

Now here’s a picture of me from last year just to fill in some space:


Self Assured?

Thanks for reading my quick introduction.  Until next time, when I try and write something more worthy of your time.

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