I’m a Writer? Cool!

Every day I share a blog post.  Mostly I try and be inspirational. I’m always focusing on the good points in life.  Sharing memories and adventures I have had. I do this for myself.  Like a diary of sorts. My own daily memoir.

Something unique happened to me.  An old friend of mine posted on social media if any  Fraser Valley bloggers wanted to come to a horse show and write about their experience. I raised my metaphorical hand and said, “I blog daily.” And with that, I was invited to a horse show. Little known fact about me living in the countryside: I know NOTHING about horses.

Ya.  About that.  Within moments of my friend giving me the okay to come blog, I had to ask two questions. Now, I like to think of myself as a smart man… usually I can figure something out in context.  But I was at a loss within seconds of her sending me info. 

I had some serious studying to do.  This show was far from my comfort realm of movies and family. As excited as I am to be invited to write, I am terrified as well. Not just the idea of learning about a horse show, but also becoming one of the crowd.

I can’t show up in pink hair with a Batman t-shirt or dressed in Steampunk. I can understand this, however, I was also bringing my wife along. She is equally as concerned about “Keeping up appearances.” So we searched our wardrobes to find an outfit in order to blend in to a crowd without standing out.

I’d like to say we succeeded in “Sunday Horse Show with the Elite” look. Maybe my idea of how things go at these shows is out to left field. I am about to find out, and I’m taking my wife on the journey. A hot date in a location we normally wouldn’t think about attending. We entered “The View Winery Rosé Party” and we sat at a table and felt like we belonged. We talked with other spectators and began to enjoy our afternoon.

Stay tuned tomorrow to see how our afternoon turned out.

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