Hudsucker Proxy

Sometimes in my blog I like to share films that I enjoy. I don’t do any write ups or dissection of the films. Just that I enjoy them and why. Today I am writing about a favorite of mine that I really enjoy watching in the winter. That’s because most of the film is set around New Year’s and the idea of new beginnings.

The Hudsucker Proxy is set in the early 20th century. It has some of the best cinematography I’ve ever enjoyed. The sets are Art Deco, the timeline is flawless, the jokes are quick and perfectly timed. What’s not to love about the film?

The simplicity of the underlying story and the characters that drive the film make it relatable and a joy to be a part of. I enjoyed the film so much, I made a Cosplay of the lead character a few years back. It was such an obscure costume, that when I wore it to three different comic conventions- maybe ten people understood it.

If you haven’t seen the film, please check it out this season. It is a great movie by the Coen Brothers. Check out one of my favorite scenes on YouTube: Hula Hoop.


  1. MATT · December 28, 2020

    What an amazing costume! Hudsucker is one of my favorite movies and I just rewatched it and was wondering if anyone ever did a Comic-Con costume for it. This is absolutely perfect and I would have died if I saw you walking around the convention! Have a Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Josef Havelka · December 28, 2020

      Thank you so much! I believe I wore it to three different ComicCons. Vancouver, Seattle and Los Angeles. In Los Angeles the cast of Comicbook Men stopped me to get a photo which was cool.


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