
Yesterday afternoon I went to my local pharmacy and got my flu shot and Covid booster. I get my flu shot every year, and since Covid vaccines came out- I have been getting my booster as required.

I’m not here to start a debate or discussion about whether you should go and do this as well. I do this to protect my health due to the fact that I had an upper lobectomy performed to my left lung as a child. I also suffer asthma and allergies fairly regularly. The last thing I want is to become deathly ill.

I have felt like death a handful of times in my life. Almost yearly, as a child, I was home sick with the flu for weeks on end. Then as an adult, I have been sick a couple of times around Christmas/New Years. Contracting H1N1 in 2009 was really bad for me and that was when I decided to get my flu shot yearly.

All that aside, getting these shots yesterday was not a big deal. However, this morning I woke up with both arms tender from the entry point of the needle. My body is also feeling a bit sore and worn down. My energy levels are diminished, and I have been laying in bed on my day off for over two hours now with no desire to get up. Instead of writing my blog in the afternoon, I am finishing it off early.

I’m going to get up and start my day. Albeit in a more subdued style. Chances are that I’ll do a couple chores, watch tv, then do a couple more chores prior to dinner. Then relax playing some video games or watching tv. A lazy sort of day to be certain. But having one or two days feeling lethargic is better than being unable to breathe for a week or two.

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