Peanut Butter Firsties

It’s been a few years but I finally got to have one of my favorite “Firsties” this morning. It may not seem like much, but it is one of my most anticipated experiences. I rarely get to enjoy it because other members of my family get to it before I do. They probably don’t realize how much I enjoy these moments.

I’m talking about a fresh jar of peanut butter.

To me, there’s something beautiful and magical about being the first to open a jar of peanut butter. We buy Kraft smooth peanut butter and always have. What I enjoy is unscrewing the lid and seeing that the foil seal is still pristine. A quick tug of the tab and the smooth brown spread is exposed to the air and a waft of peanuty goodness comes out.

The untouched butter taunts me awaiting the first scoop. A knife or spoon- doesn’t matter; all that matters is taking that first swipe. The cut that drives into a perfectly flat crown. The utensil slides down deep followed by a twist and out comes the first taste.

That first taste is the greatest. It’s as if the peanut butter has a chemical reaction with the air as it is exposed for the first time since the factory. I get a little greedy and spread extra on my toast. But hey, these moments are few and far between. Why not spoil myself just this once?

Do you have the same experience with a fresh jar of peanut butter? Or do you find a similar joy with another food?

Let me know in the comments.


  1. mentalhealthandmusicals7038 · June 1, 2021

    Yes! The smell is divine.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Rebekkah Lenora · June 2, 2021

    This very sight used to make me feel sick when I was in highschool! It doesn’t bother me any more but I do find myself drawn to nutbutters that naturally separate.


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