Forget Device

Today I did probably the last thing I really need to do to get over the loss of my Rogue. I had to remove it from the Bluetooth list in my iPhone.

Kind of sad to see it go. No longer to connect instantly as I started up my car. But then again, I am no longer able to start up the Rogue. Moving on from something so simple as a car is strange in a way. I wasn’t quite ready to let it go, yet the time had come.

It’s unfortunate that the last image I have of my car is of the front end removed. I’d rather remember it the way it looked brand new. In pearl white, without a single blemish.

That’s better. A sleek looking vehicle that brought me years of joy. Ranging from my daily commute to backroad camping adventures to road trips across western North America. Every chip and pit on the paint was from somewhere I went. Every time I replaced the windshield was because of a projectile en route to where I was heading. A couple hundred thousand kilometers of all the nicks and dents were from me. Including that last one that sent my car off the road for ever.

Time for me to Forget Device. Time to move on.

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